Episode 102 – Pre GenCon 2015

I know it is long, but it was a lot of fun. Thank you for 4 great years and I look forward to more in the future.
Versus Topic – 1st GenCon vs your last GenCon
Discussion – GenCon Stories
Survival Guide – How to Even GenCon
On the Mics
Don Marter
Josh Marter
Josh Demaree
Deb Demaree
Avital Guernsey
Derek Knutsen
Lance Heinzelman
Anton Swartz
Kaytie Steckler
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THE ESTABLiSHED FACT – Listen to find out…
Does gencon shut down games of werewolf? Because they allow all sorts of other games that aren’t hosted by the developer, and Are you a werewolf is not at all a Looney labs exclusive. It is an Andrew Plotkin game based on a Russian game in 97
We have seen games moved and shut down that we have been in, but that may have changed over the years. The biggest thing that caused it was that Looney Labs was paying for the space and scheduling events, but no one was coming because they were running their own werewolf circles. That causes them to lose out on credit for running games.
I had no idea it was based off of a Russian game.