Fear the Charity

2014’s Charity
Home of the Innocents
Louisville’s own Home of the Innocents, a private, non-profit agency that has been in operation for 130 years, served over 3,900 children last year. The Home provides services to assist those who are facing severe crisis, including:
  • Residential and community-based services to children who have been abused, abandoned, or neglected. These services include short or long-term residential care, a home for pregnant and parenting teens, crisis shelter services, and therapeutic loving foster care services.
  • The Home operates a hospital-like and home away from home environment for medically fragile children, children who are dependent on technology to sustain life, as well as children who are terminally ill. The Kosair Charities Pediatric Convalescent Center gives each child personalized care with an expert team of doctors, nurses, and therapists. Each child receives on-site educational opportunities and takes part in fun activities such as swimming, art projects, and community outings.
  • In-home and in-school support services are provided for children with autism. Children with autism and their families struggle with very little help and often few resources. The Home provides these families with a wide-range of services and effective treatment with lower overall costs.
  • Although the children we serve require various levels of care, they are children first and residents or patients second. The Home has helped thousands of children, and hundreds receive care on any given day. For many of these children, the Home is where hope begins.
  • The Home’s donors are happy to know that 87 cents of every donation dollar goes directly to helping the kids.

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