After the FACTs and PopCon promo code

So for those who listened to the After Action Report, this is the same episode; however, after much deliberating (a beer at Scotty’s), we have named this new series of content … After the FACT.
After the FACT will focus on major events during and/or after in-game events. This will give you all a look into our immediate reactions after a game that we believe to be significant in our gaming history. I hope you enjoy.
Also, as you may have seen on Facebook, here’s our information for PopCon.
We are excited to announce that we will have a presence at Origins Game Fair, Fear the Con 8, Indy PopCon, and of course Gen Con 2015. That being said, we are very blessed to have an active part in the Indy PopCon event for 2015, and because we want to see each and every one of you there we want to make sure that you get your tickets early. Also make sure that when you reserve your tickets for PopCon you use the promotion code DMAR. This year, when you use our street team promotion code you qualify for some exclusive promo swag. Don’t forget to reserve your tickets early and we can’t wait to see you in the convention hall.
So, keep gaming and we look forward to seeing you at the Con and getting your feedback on After the FACTs.