Episode 024 – Vampires VS Zombies – Are We Sick of Vampires?
A message from Mikey MasonIntroductionsLast ESTABLiSHED FACT - To ESTABLiSH or not to ESTABLiSH ... that is the quesiton.Versus Topic -...
A message from Mikey MasonIntroductionsLast ESTABLiSHED FACT - To ESTABLiSH or not to ESTABLiSH ... that is the quesiton.Versus Topic -...
IntroductionsLast ESTABLiSHED FACT(s) - 1) Whether you enjoy cake or long for epic death ... Rasmir trumps any host.2) When...
IntroductionsLast ESTABLiSHED FACT - "Original or Established world, Ladymance or Bromance, your game is only as good as your vocabulary."Versus...
ESTABLiSHED FACTers, we want your input. Send us messages, post on this page, whatever ... What do you want us...
IntroductionsLast ESTABLiSHED FACT - "If you are going to mispronounce something, you might as well botch it."Honorary ESTABLiSHED FACT -...
Finally ... The new episode from Fear the Boot is up. We need your input on storytelling. How would you...
Introductions Last Established Fact - "In the wake of Mario winning any type of tournament ... only Chaos ensues." br>...
IntroductionsDiscussion Topic - Video Game Madness WinnerRandom ChaosTo be honest, we aren't sure what we were talking about ... but...
IntroductionsDiscussion Topic - The Video Game Madness Tournament Final 4 Results - What We Are DoingWhat Are We DoingThe hosts...
IntroductionsDiscussion Topic - The Video Game Madness Tournament Elite 8 ResultsEstablished Fact - Listen to find out...That's it. Please Comment...